

It is a short distance from the nearest Monzennakacho station. On a weekday after 1130, the first six people in line were waiting in line. While waiting in line, the aroma of niboshi (dried fish) was wafting to the street. Residents of the same apartment building must be annoyed. Looking around, I noticed a French restaurant next door. The restaurant is called "Le Bourmou," and it seems to be a very cosy restaurant.

Back to the story, just before the entrance of the restaurant, a female waitress came out of the restaurant and said, "Please wait a moment more," in a low voice. I looked inside the restaurant and noticed for the first time that there was still a line. Four people were sitting on chairs waiting. The female waitress gave me a menu list and I thought about what I wanted to order. The price difference between the ramen and the seasoned egg ramen is 100 yen. The slight difference in price bothers me. After waiting in the restaurant for a while, the female waitress asked me what I wanted to order. I chose "Ajitsuke Tamago Ramen. The name of the menu is written in English next to the name of the dish, so foreigners can feel at ease. Looking into the kitchen, I found a male chef and a woman in charge of the hall, making a total of two people in charge of the restaurant.

After about four minutes of being shown to our table, our ramen arrived. At a glance, the ramen was a medium portion, but it had a lot of noodles. It was a medium portion, but there was a lot of noodles. The soup seemed to be too little. Also, the soup was a little lukewarm. This is a good temperature for those who have cat tongues.

The soup is served with a spoon. The overall flavor is gentle. In other words, the soup tastes like the ingredients themselves, but it is not salty. The aroma is of dried fish, while the taste and smoothness are of animal origin. The harmony of the top and bottom two layers is conveyed through the nose and mouth.

The noodles are medium-thick, flat and straight. The ingredients are a large piece of chashu pork, thick bamboo shoots, fragrant green onions, and a seasoned egg.

Considering the recent rise in ramen prices, the cosmetic value of the ramen is unbeatable. Indeed, if there were one in the neighborhood, I might go there every day.

The bill is paid when you leave. Cash only. The female waitress politely said, "Please come again. This restaurant may attract repeat customers not only because of the taste of the ramen, but also because of their good customer service.

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Address:Tokyo, Japan



